Nature has bestowed us with its biggest gift and that is human body. We hardly notice ourselves and our body and we can hardly see what all we are capable of easily doing which other species can’t even think of.

Biggest thing we can do is Smile. Which other species can smile? None. You take dog, cat, tiger, lion, donkeys, pig, birds, fish etc. None of them can smile. If they are happy, maximum they can do is jump or shake their tail and that’s it. Smile is such a big asset but these days people rarely use it. On small things this precious gift disappears, sad and long faces are common sights. Another gift is, we can speak. Which other species can speak like us? None. But what do we do with this power given by nature. Few people use it for creating rifts, few use it for lying, few use it for taunting others, few are using slangs all the time and few of course doing good use of it. Just look around no animal or bird can speak but we can. Which other species can work or think like us, None. We can think and build such a beautiful world but what are we doing with this? Instead of building up good on our own, people are busy in using their intelligence in robbing others, few want everything without doing anything, few just do not know what and how to do, few are jealous on what others have built.

There are many such powers bestowed by nature but we are just taking those for granted. Very few are thankful and many are all the time brooding about what they do not have or what somebody did to them, many are in stress and depression and committing suicides. As a child we hardly heard anywhere term called suicide. It was even unthinkable and such cases were seen only in movies but these days everyday some news of suicide coming up and it is scary. How come somebody is destroying one’s own body as it is such precious gift. Even animals protect themselves at any cost.

Biggest reason for depression and suicides is thinking about only ourselves. If a person only thinks about himself, what about me, why this happened to me, why only me me me and soon this depression will set in. This is basic trait of depressed people. Second thing is current generation has seen very less hardships in life. Parents have provided everything and term called ‘struggle’, ‘difficult times’ are foreign to younger generation and whenever such people face little difficulty or challenging situation, they are unbale to cope up with it. Third is very low self-esteem. When somebody attaches his/her self-esteem with money, position, power etc then loss of these things may result into low self-esteem and depression.

Look around, somebody lost job, went into depression…somebody made huge losses in business went into depression…somebody’s heart broke, went into depression…any girl’s in laws are not as what she expected, went into depression…husband-wife broke up, went into depression…friends making fun, went into depression…somebody near and dear one departed, went into depression…

If one sees what is central to these people’s thoughts then it is that they are thinking only about themselves…My money, my life, my boyfriend, why this with me etc and this list never ends. It is of no use. Instead of this if one sees, what one is left with then he/she can move forward. Just look around there are many who are blind, who cannot speak, who are unable to hear, who do not have proper limbs, few are struggling with terminal disease. What we can do every day easily, to do same things these people struggle a lot. Just looking at this, one can be thankful to nature that he/she has been bestowed with everything. People think their problem is biggest in the world. Just look into lives of farmers who are struggling to meet their days expenses. Look into countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Ghana, Nigeria. How people are living there, how they are struggling to survive. Few have seen their kids dying in bombings, few lost husband, few lost wife, many lost houses and farm fields and living in refugee camps, few women used as sex slaves, in south Africa kids are dying without good food and water. It is so terrible. Many have walked 30-30 kms with their kids on their back to find safe refuge for themselves. They are struggling a lot but not committing suicide. Compared to them we are living such a good life and we must be thankful to God for it. This thankfulness itself will bring out many from their depression.

Stop brooding about only yourself, look at others and say what can I do for all. What can I do for my children, in laws, husband, people, society, city, nation. Bigger the thought of bringing good to others, bigger smile dawns in one’s life. When one needs nothing in life and is there to serve others then smile has to return, there is no other way!

Another thing is keep these questions ‘So What’ and ‘Now What’ with you. Use it properly. If you lost a job, say yourself ‘So What’, I will find another one or build my own business. Move on with vigor. If you had huge losses in stocks, ‘So What, this is not end of my life, Now I will work and save money more judiciously’. Despite of your pure love, boyfriend/girlfriend cheated you/left you then let him/her go. It means they were not worth of your love and best person is yet to appear in your life. But use ‘so what’ with commonsense (viveka), do not use it at somebody’s funeral 😊, don’t go there and say ‘So what, he/she is dead’, you will be kicked out!

In stress & depression, many forget/don’t pay attention to their physical needs and it further worsens. Most of them do not have right amount of food, water, exercise, sleep and then it further worsens. These things must be paid attention to which help in coming over many imbalances in body.
Committing suicide is most stupid act. Remember one thing, out of the things (provided by nature) whatever you dishonor will be snatched away from you. This body, your ability to speak, see, hear etc, if you misuse it for sure know that next time this power (shakti), you may not get. If you are destroying your own body by with your own hands then take it for granted that next time, nature will not bestow you with human body. If you are dishonoring this precious gift then for sure it will not be given to you. You may be born into some different species and that will be worse than current situation of whoever committing suicide. Pain will not disappear with one’s body, infact it will be worst.

It is said that even Gods must wait for proper time to get this human body, do not destroy it easily by taking it for granted. Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Buddha also were born at appropriate time (when people needed them most) that is why it is said that even angels have to wait for right time to get this precious gift of nature called ‘Human Body’. Look around into this beautiful nature, beautiful trees, flowers, rivers, mountains, animals, birds, stars they all are there to bring smile on our face. Stop brooding about yourself, think about others, smile and bring smiles and bring heaven on earth!
