World has seen destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria & many South African nations. Destruction happened by internal wars but nobody thinks how it happened and who provided such advanced weapons. In most of these nations people were divided into two groups Shias & Sunnis. Whenever there is split/divide in identity of people in nation then that is Fault-line. This fault line was darkened by politicians/media who were dancing to the tunes of few giant global oil/minerals/weapons producers. Shias were imbibed that Sunnis are their enemy and Sunnis were imbibed that Shias are doing injustice to them. Soon when this hatred reached peak, latest weapons were given in the hands of one group and who without using their brains attacked other group in their own country and acted against their own brothers. Huge damage was done for the nation. On top of that so called world’s superpowers used to drop bombs (in the pretext of acting against perpetrators) and kill civilians, destroy hospitals, schools, industries. UN has never raised a single voice against this. Entire nations got destroyed. Strangely oil refineries of giants in the same nations have never got a single scratch in these massive wars. State of the people now is that they have lost everything. They have either left their country and seeking asylum in some other country or living is refugee camps in their own nations. They are surviving only on the aid provided by these international organizations which are again paralyzing them. If a person gets food, water, cloths on his plate without effort then soon he will be paralysed. He will soon stop thinking about his own land, job, work, industry. If this happens then that nation’s entire natural resources and land will be grabbed by greedy Big Corporates. This process is underway.

Similar thing is happening in our nation, ‘India’. Fault lines by separating people as Hindus, Muslims, Buddhist, Christians etc are being darkened everyday. Youngster’s egos are pumped up by various people and they are on the path of Fascism. In every sphere people are forming their groups of Cast & Religion. You take the place where people work or place where they live or society as large you can see effect of these groups in subtle way. This subtler force is growing stronger and stronger. Instead of progressing forward, such wonderful diverse Indian society is going backwards. Instead of innocent happiness, blatant egos and display of futile powers (in these egos) is taking place. Issues like Economy, Tourism, Jobs, Small Industries, Environment, diverse culture & its food, Infra, Education etc are going backwards and futile ego filled things like cast & Religion have been brought forward. Youngsters are succumbing to it and in this process fault-lines are being darkened. If this continues then it will not be much time when this beautiful nation sits in line with the one that are destroyed.
Youngsters must not allow that to happen. This beautiful nation belongs to all. This nation has enormous beauty, wealth, people filled with humanity. Only fools can afford to lose it. If youngsters do not take corrective path then it will be insult of ancestors who sacrificed so much and they will pay heavy price of this blunder. It is better to remain awake and take this nation on the path of progress and bring smiles and everybody’s face!
