
I don’t think there is anyone who do not want to live fearless life. Fearlessness is the basic quality if one wants to live like true hero. Despite of this, rarely there is any one who have not feared of something in his/her life. Sometime or other fear pops up in our lives and many times we are not even aware that fear is taking over us and ruining our lives.

Swami Vivekananda says

“ It is fear that is the greatest of all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment”

“The earth is enjoyed by heroes. This is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear”. Tell this to everybody “Have no fear”.


Everybody wants to live like hero. When we watch movies many of us are on the side of hero only and later on copy/mimic what hero did in that movie but one thing ruins our heroism and that is fear. Why this fear haunts so much that people even forget their lives to live?

One of the main reason I have found is selfishness. It is one of the biggest reasons fear pops in people’s lives and many of the times people are not even aware that they are being selfish. When our thoughts, our lives, our motives revolve only around ourselves this thing called fear keeps chasing us!

Just do this experiment with yourselves - whenever you are fearing something, someone or some situation ,central figure about whom you are thinking is yourself. This “I” or “My” is predominant there. We are always thinking about my life, my money, my wife, my children, I may get hurt, they may kill me, I may lose, I may get beaten up etc. Our central thought revolves around only ourselves. If you ask somebody to raise his/her voice against corruption or bad elements, many will say “I have family, children and I do not want to get involved into this”. They accept this injustice out of their fear and out of selfishness their thoughts are evolving only around themselves and which is leading to fear.

If somebody has fear of water then central thought is “I may get drowned”. If somebody has fear of exams then central thought is “I may fail”. Even few students do not attend exams out of fear. Fear takes over them and then they start feigning illness or something else. Ask someone to join Army and if he is fearful then he will say “I do not want to die so early”. Again this “I” takes over. Ask someone to stand up and address audience of 1000 people and out of fear and ego he /she may not be even able to stand up properly. Hands & legs may shake. Central thought of the person could be “Will they laugh at me? Will they accept me? Will I speak properly?” etc etc. People get drowned in thoughts of future where they are the only central figure.

It is out of fear, selfishness that people do not raise their voice against bad elements, corruption and wrong in society and this is biggest reason why many countries are in bad shape.

To overcome this fear, solution is very simple. One must broaden his/her vision. Start thinking about others, have higher and broader aim/vision. If you are thinking then think big, why to think about only about our one family, think about entire society, think about entire nation ,think about entire planet. More and more vision is broader, more and more responsibility is taken then this fear will disappear. When this selfishness will disappear then this fear will also stop popping up. When we start working towards bigger goal which will benefit for entire society then many of fears will disappear. Look at all the freedom fighters, look at all the soldiers they have no fear as they lived/ are living for bigger cause.

One needs to remember that there is difference between being fearlessness and being stupid. One cannot say that I am fearless so I will go and stand infront of train or one cannot say that I will go and stand up infront of roaring tiger as I am fearless, then that person is being stupid.

Once we overcome this fear then we can move in the right path and that too with speed and right now need of the time is people overcome this fear with broader vision!

“If you are really my children, you will fear nothing, stop at nothing. You will be like lions. No cowardice. Do you understand? Be true unto death!” – Swami Vivekananda.

