
‘Politics’…As soon as people hear this word, many of them distort their faces. Many say Politics is bad, it is dirty world. Many of them stay away from it and many of them fear of it thinking it is extremely bad.

Whatever efforts one puts to stay away from politics, one cannot stay away from it. Whoever you are, where ever you are it is going to confront you and if you run away from it then slowly it will start haunting you.

Politics is not only there in political parties but it is there in our day to day lives. See some of the examples…You go to office and you hear many people saying ‘our office is filled with bad politics’. There are lobbies, boss favors particular people etc. It affects you…

If you are in some business then also you are going to face it. Your competitors will be playing all sorts of tricks and games to outsmart you to gain more and more business. You will have to face this politics.

If you are in government job then politics is at unimaginable level. Just look into police department. You will be horrified to see internal politics there and how much those people are under pressure. Same goes with any other departments. Right postings, promotions or holidays they face politics in everything.

If you are sportsman then also you will face it. Right from selection to leading your team everywhere people will try to outsmart you or by hook or crook gain prominent position. People play politics to control various sports organizations as well.

If you join some NGO or religious or spiritual organization then you may face politics there as well! In desire to achieve fame, to gain some power people try to outsmart each other.

If you are student then also there is politics. Out of competition or jealousy you will have to face it. If various companies are interviewing students for jobs from same college then one must see how suddenly friends become competitors and one can see politics there as well!

Look into the lives of these movie actors or TV actors. For getting good roles, a good movie there is politics. There are lobbies and if you go like very straight forward person there, you will be soon fried up! (Many of these actors/actress are already leading horrible lives but that is different story!).

Not only your enemies but you may get amazed to see that some of your friends also might be playing politics with you. Some of them will be with you only till the time there is some benefit from you. They leave you as soon as there job is done or there are no more benefits from you. They may leave you if they find someone else is more powerful or useful. They may cheat you out of their jealousy towards you.

Not only friends but your own relatives also might be playing politics with you. Just see around and you may notice that there could be politics going on in your family.

Basically it confronts us at so many places and in so many different roles. If one ignores it every time then soon he/she will be ignored as well. Today middle class is the biggest class on the planet and most of them stay away from politics and in return they are totally ignored by politicians. They take care of ultra-rich (out of favors) or poor (for votes).

Basically politics is art of taking care of people and ensuring welfare for all. It has very broad perspective. There is difference between politics and conspiracies. These days conspiracies are being called as politics. Politics is seeing & building the way of welfare for all. One needs to see opportunities for this, various innovative ideas, apply all strength and sacrifice whatever one can! Among all the difficult circumstances find out the good way and do good for all. If you need to do acting then do it, if you need to show little bit of anger then show it, be shrewd but bring good to all. Final aim must be to bring good for all. To forbid good people from joining mainstream politics various print & electronics media portray that it is the world of bad people and only goons enter and rule this world. Watch movies and see what kind of politicians are shown.

More and more you stay away from it, you will observe that more and more you are ending up towards losing side. Soon incapable undeserving people will start ruling you. Soon donkeys will start riding horses. Nations where youth don’t look into politics are in dilapidated condition. If you are running away from this politics then stop doing that right from this moment. First thing is face it. Observe it. Observe what people do, why they do, what people say & why do they say that. Check the intention of people (little bit). This observation can teach you many things and you will be aware of who is doing what. Who may harm you and who may support you. Who is good and who is not. To learn swimming one needs to enter water and then only one can learn. Similar way face politics and whatever situations come your way and keep learning your lessons. Remember straight trees are cut first and similar way very goodie goodie simple people also will land up in trouble. Be innocent & humble but at the same time remain firm and invulnerable. So do not run away from Politics but learn it!


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