Demon Hiranyaksha and its relevance in current times – PART III


In continuation of my series on Hiranyaksha this is third part which is focusing on corruption and destruction of spirituality

When human values, ethics, spirituality goes down then corruption starts. People with good ethics and high values will not do corruption which is as good as selling yourself. Today if we see around, we find that spirituality is at very low level or rather it is systematically brought down through print or electronic media, through corruption, law and order is destroyed at many places and many people are deprived of even basic things which are required to live normal life. More the spirituality of people goes down more they will remain divided, more corruption will happen and so on.

When people don’t think or don’t know that this world is one family, we are all connected, we all belong to each other then corruption starts. You can’t do corruption with those to whom you think you belong to. In this divide and rule politics people are so much divided that you will see fight between countries, fight between religions, between castes etc. even there are intra religion fights, intra caste fights. Today people are being divided on the basis of Caste, religion, language, State in which they live, Gender, Country, Leaders they follow/Admire. Money is being seen above everything by many people. They feel if you have money you have everything. In fact few people think they are big pundits and say “Sabhi puchenge aap kaise hai jabtak aapke pass paise hai” (All people will be good with you only till the time you have money with you). Money has its own importance but it is not above human values.

Today you can see almost every country is experiencing one or the other form of corruption. Politicians, business people are doing corruption hoarding money and they are not even aware for what reason they are garnering so much money. On one end billions of people on this planet are suffering because they do not have enough resources (result of corruption) and on another hand these corrupt people are just hoarding wealth which is not helping to anyone. Look at the wealth garnered by corrupt people – They have billions and billions of dollars, thousands of hectares of land and yet there hunger is insatiable. They are making corruption spread everywhere so that if tomorrow you raise voice then they can tell you ‘SHUT UP, you are no different, you are also corrupt’. Corruption is trying to be Omnipresent and trying to be GOD.

In his greed Hiranyaksh took entire planet spiritually so low that it was compared to bottom of ocean. Just look at some of the examples of lowness of spirituality/ethics

  • Human trafficking is spread across world and like animals people are traded and that too for money

  • Not only women but children are also not spared from sexual abuse

  • Girl which would have brought good fortune is being killed in mother’s womb itself

  • Media which is supposed to work transparently infact doing opposite of it. Today people say that by taking money they can run any propaganda

  • In many countries around the world millions of people, even children are dying as they do not have food to eat. Many countries despite of having lot of food grains throw that in sea because they want to create shortage so that prices go up and they get more profits

  • Unfortunately pornography has become big money making industry and destroying social moral balance among people. People who will not like to see their own mother/sister/ wife/daughter in such act, they do watch such things.

  • Under the influence of various lobbies’, religion has been used as a tool to capture power. Today there are people ready to convert your religion by offering money or various things and there are helpless/poor/weak people who get converted as well!

  • Today farmer who produces grains and fulfills our stomach, is going bankrupt and committing suicide. In order to capture his land various conspiracies are hatched

  • Countries where once river of milk used to flow has been replaced by alcohol. Millions and millions people die because of consumption of alcohol. Same is the case with tobacco

  • Billions of people are unable to get right education which must be a birthright. Whoever are getting they also lack holistic approach and most important missing things in education are Human Values, economics, basic laws of country, knowledge about one’s own body and health.

  • Today on small issues people are getting divorced and despite of changing many partners they are unhappy, in stress and ultimately along with them their children suffer

  • Out of millions, few get opportunity to serve people by joining politics. Unfortunately they waste this opportunity by doing corruption and create trouble for everyone

  • People say terrorism has been created and sponsored by big lobbies for their own economic interest and innocent people keep dying in it every year. Unfortunately religion is being linked to terrorism despite of knowing that no religion is saying so.

  • In order to make more and more profits, weapon’s industry lobby is creating wars and tensions. For their profits so many people suffer and die.

  • Few decades back doctors were considered as form of GOD as they take care of you and save your life but now after looking at doctor’s bill you may get heart attack (of course there are exceptions)

  • People say pharma companies spread diseases and they only bring medicine for these diseases so that their business flourishes and they can make more profits

  • Once upon a time COWs which were backbone of countries economy, today people eat them

  • People say judiciary is also getting corrupt and common people simply avoid getting into any type of litigation as it is as good as inviting your bankruptcy as lawsuits run for years and years and you keep losing money

  • Saints are being put in jail and thugs are roaming around

  • People put their all emotions, energy, and time behind sports they like but sports people do match fixing for mere money!

See around and you will find many such examples. Time has come and Nature has left us with only one choice now and that is of Unity. We need to drop all our inhibitions, prejudices, barriers and we must unite now beyond race, culture, religions, and countries and save this planet. We must move from Bhog to Yog and restore back all spiritual and human values into our society!


  1. hey, dint know you wrote...liked it..keep it going..


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